Vancouver film diary

Stanley Park rose garden, my sleeping beauty dreams came true

I've only been to Vancouver twice, but I have the largest amount of nostalgia when I think back on the time I've spent there. Maybe it's the humidity always hanging in the air, or the active life Vancouverites live that I so desperately need to be a part of, or maybe it's the big city excitement mixed with the comfort of family vacations and long road trips through mountains and National Parks. There's this diner we always stop at in Golden BC, and my nostalgia heightens just by looking at photos of it. I don't think it's because it's a retro diner- but because in this flurry of passing moments, places, change, and growth- sometimes I wish I could go back to that side of the road diner driving to and from Vancouver with my family, half asleep, in the August heat. But we keep moving forward, that's how life works. This post is a designated slow down, a speed bump in time to remind me of the incredible summer I had. I hope you enjoy my rambling thoughts, and that this gives you a few epic spots of Vancity to discover and create your own nostalgic memories in hehe. 
The first time I experienced Vancouver I was a girl breaking the shell of travelling alone and accomplishing big life things. I went to get my visa for Paris and I was elated the whole time, even when it got rejected and I had to fly out again alone and face the intimidating visa office workers once again. The second time I was in Van, almost exactly a year apart, I was a woman with a year of living alone under her belt and the whole world at her fingertips. I sought the familiarity of Gastown and North Van, and relished in the quality time with my family. 

Both versions of me are equally valid, screenshots of who I was before and after I realized that this world is so so so vast. and something to always be excited about.

Who knows what will happen when I move to Vancouver in January, who knows what I will become as a UBC student surrounded by incredible resources, locations, and fellow peers.

But I bet my odds on it being pretty damn awesome. 

The view from North Vancouver waterfront at night.. blurry bc there
were too many lights for my little film camera to pick up on 

My brother in Stanley Park

The rest of my family and some huge
beautiful trees, Stanley Park

Stanley Park Seawall

The infamous Gastown steam clock

Em in Gastown, we thrifted at community 
thrift, 10/10 recommend


We then ventured into Chinatown which ngl both of us females lived in Paris
 and it was a bit sketchy, AVOID EAST HASTINGS

But it's so cute & colourful

Good thing I snapped this shot before the lady 
said no pictures allowed 

Go here and thank me later. Get the waffles.

Robson Square, had to be basic and
snap this as a UBC kiddo

Nice art museum downtown

OKAY TRIP HIGHLIGHT- Granville Island.
 Go here and leave more cultured. 

Little old me seconds before encountering
 my new favourite art gallery

Peter Kiss Gallery

Whale watching boats on Granville Island

Seconds after a seagull ate my dad's fish

Me leaving our North Van residence, in mom jeans that I got from Oak & Fort
in Gastown and have probably worn everyday since

Necessary BC fruit stand stops, this one was in Salmon Arm

Peaches Galore

Me, on the way home. It was raining in the valley,
I made my brother snap this shot. Happy that I did. 

Thanks for tuning in! 
P.s this was all shot on 35mm film with my Canon Rebel Ti :)
